
Nanny Position in Maplewood, NJ

Position:  Part-time or Full-time, live-out

Location:  Maplewood, NJ

Ages: 8 years old, 6 years old, and 3 years old

Start date:  ASAP

Pets in home: None

Car requirement: Nanny vehicle required

Covid-19 requirement:  Vaccination required

Schedule:  See below

Compensation:  $30-$35 per hour

Position Code: D203MW


More details:

Family in Maplewood, NJ is looking for a caregiver for their 8-year-old, 6-year-old, and 3-year-old. The typical schedule is Monday through Friday from 2:00 pm until 8:00 pm and occasionally from 12:00 pm until 6:00 pm. Extended hours will be offered on occasion (12:00 pm until 8:00 pm) if Nanny is available and interested, but these are not required. Family is willing to make it a full-time position for the right fit. 

Duties include:

Preparing snacks and meals for children only. Doing children’s laundry, grocery shopping, and basic tidying. Joining children at the pool. Being open to travel with family given adequate notice. 

Ideal nanny:

The ideal nanny is a consistent, positive presence in the family’s life. They are fun, engaging, warm, kind, and respectful to all people (in and out of the home). Ideally, they are willing to do date-night coverage a few nights per month and beach-week trips in the summer. They are vaccinated against Covid-19, receive an annual flu shot, and Tdap booster. A college degree is not necessary, but preferred. 


About the children:

This 8-year-old is kind, empathetic, funny, nurturing, and playful. After school she participates in soccer, gymnastics, and swimming. She loves  babies, books, imaginative play, and art.  This 6-year-old is  caring, imaginative, hilarious, and playful. He’s an engineer and is 100% consumed by all things construction! After school he participates in swimming and gymnastics. This 3-year-old is musical, artistic, and a bookworm. She takes swimming and dance lessons. She’s in preschool part-time.  All 3 children get along.

About the parents:

These parents try to meet the children at their level, understand the problem, and come up with a solution together. They hold firm boundaries on certain things, and create consequences for breaking those boundaries. Both parents are vaccinated.


Salary plus paid vacation days off, paid holidays off, paid sick days off, and paid personal days off.  

Position Code: D203MW

Full-time or Part-time Nanny Job in Warren, NJ / Basking Ridge, NJ

Position: Full-time or Part-time live-out

Location: Basking Ridge/Warren, NJ

Ages: 9 months old and 2 years old

Start date: Flexible

Pets in home: None

Car requirements: Nanny vehicle required

Covid-19 requirement: Vaccination required

Schedule: Monday to Thursday or 3 days a week

Compensation: $28 to $32+ per hour

Position Code:  D201WN


More details:

Family in Basking Ridge who is moving to Warren is seeking a kind and engaging caregiver for their  9-month-old and 2-year-old children. Typical schedule is Monday through Thursday from 8/8:30 am until 4/4:30 pm. Nanny has another schedule  option for  3 days from 8:00 am until 5/6:00 pm (based on best fit).


Duties include:

Keeping the play areas and other areas used by the children neat. Washing the children’s dishes and  tidying the kitchen after meals (assisting with children’s meal prep is a plus). Providing occasional  transportation for the children.


Ideal nanny:

This family is looking for someone who will become part of the family. Ideal nanny possesses the qualities of kindness, reliability, promptness, warmth, and good judgment. They are fun but firm when needed. They will ensure the children’s safety at all times and own a child-safe vehicle for occasional use on the job.  Ideal nanny has a genuine love for children and a commitment to excellence. They have strong communication skills and are able to be flexible and use good judgment when unexpected situations arise. Looking for a caregiver who will respect Parents’ directions and preferences. Special training and/or a background in education is a plus. Ideal nanny has some flexibility with hours and is open to traveling with the family in the future (but not required).


About the children:

This 9-month-old is alert, easygoing, and sweet. Her toddler brother is joyful, outgoing, independent, sweet, and a great listener. His favorite things are playing outside, sharing his toys, and being around people. The children get along very well.


About the parents:

These parents are fairly easygoing and can’t wait to find a super loving, attentive, and involved caregiver for their kids. Mom is loving, hardworking, outgoing, and reliable. Dad is loyal, funny, kind, and big-hearted. 



Salary plus paid vacation days off, paid holidays off,  paid sick days off, and paid personal days off.


Position Code:  D201WN


Household Manager/ Nanny in Position in Essex Fells, NJ 

Position: Part-time, live-out 

Location: Essex Fells, NJ 

Ages: 10 years old and 9-year-old twins

Start date: ASAP

Pets in home: 1 dog

Car requirements: Nanny vehicle required

Covid-19 requirements: None

Schedule: Flexible (under 30 hours)

Compensation: $20-$35 per hour

Position Code: C993EX



More details:

Family in Essex Fells, NJ is seeking a part-time household manager/nanny. They have three children, a 10-year-old and 9-year-old twins. The schedule is three full days a week, ideally from 7:30 am until 5/6:00 pm. They are flexible with which days and hours are worked.  


Duties include:

Doing the family’s laundry. Tidying up after the children. Vacuuming. Driving the children to events with Nanny’s vehicle. Occasionally watching the children after school. Preparing basic snacks and meals for the children. Grocery shopping. Going to the post office/UPS. 


Family has one puppy (4 months old), but no pet care is required. Huge plus if Nanny can let the dog out once a day into the fenced-in backyard when parents aren't home. 


Ideal nanny: 

This family is looking for an honest, hard working person who loves children and doesn’t mind light housekeeping/ household management tasks.  Must have energy and a flexible nature. Ideal nanny can follow instructions and is willing to help in various ways so that Mom can do some things outside the home.  


About the children:

This 10-year-old is kind, funny, determined, athletic, and creative. Her afterschool activities include gymnastics, soccer, swimming, and lacrosse. She spends her free time playing video games, talking to friends, and watching television.


Twin #1 is energetic, friendly, sensitive, and athletic. Her favorite subject is social studies.  Her afterschool activities include soccer, basketball, and lacrosse. She spends her free time talking to friends.


Twin #2 is intelligent, thoughtful, mature, organized, and competitive. Her afterschool activities include gymnastics, basketball, and soccer. She spends her free time reading books. 


The three girls typically get along well.


About the parents: 

These parents are family-oriented and always focused on their children. They can be very busy with work and life. Most times, consequences for undesired behaviors involve taking away devices or limiting participation in sports.  The family is vaccinated for Covid-19 but Nanny is not required to be. 



Salary plus paid vacation days off, paid holidays off, paid sick days off, and paid personal days off. 


Position Code: C993EX

Part-time Nanny Position in South Orange, NJ 


Position:  Part-time, live-out

Location:  South Orange, NJ 

Age:  5 months old

Start date:  Flexible

Pets in home:  1 cat

Car requirement: None

Covid-19 requirement: Vaccination preferred

Schedule:  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday from  8:00 am-4:00 pm

Compensation:  $20-$25 per hour

Position Code:  C918SG


More details:

Family in South Orange, NJ is seeking a nanny for their sweet 5-month-old son. Typical schedule will be Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm. Family can be somewhat flexible with which days of the week are worked. Start date is also flexible, as long as Nanny begins by mid-February.

Duties include:

Engaging and caring for this infant in his home. Light household chores such as laundry and tidying up after the child. As the child gets older, helping with lunch prep. Family has one cat, but no pet care is required. 

Ideal nanny:

The ideal nanny for this family is calm, friendly, and responsible. They have a passion for spending time with infants and a genuine interest in child development. Looking for someone with experience caring for infants and toddlers. Covid-19 vaccination preferred. 

About the child:

This 5-month-old is sweet, playful, curious, happy, and observant. He is a good eater and sleeper and naps three to four times each day. He seems to love music and stories and engages really well for his age. 

About the parents:

These parents are caring, calm, smart, and principled. Both have hybrid jobs based in NYC. Mom is also reliable, organized, and has a good sense of humor. Dad is also thoughtful and studious. Both are vaccinated for Covid- 19.  


Salary plus paid vacation days off, paid holidays off, paid sick days off, and paid personal days off.

Position Code: C918SG

Part-time Nanny Job in Randolph, NJ


Position:  Part-time, live-out

Location:  Randolph, NJ

Ages:  1 year old (other children in home)

Start date: January 2023 

Pets in home:  1 dog

Car requirement: None

Covid-19 requirement: See below

Schedule:  Flexible (see below)

Compensation:  $20-$30 per hour 

Position Code: C917RH 


More details:

Family in Randolph is seeking a nanny primarily for their 1-year-old child (although Family has a 3-year-old and a baby due in April). Between now and summer, the schedule is Wednesday and Friday from 5:00 pm until 8:00 pm. However, Nanny will be paid for 20+ hours of work!  Care will be with mostly one child. Please note: Nanny’s pay will increase if/when she cares for more than two children. 

Beginning in summer, the hours will be:

  • Monday from 11:00 am-6:00 pm 

  • Tuesday from 8:30 am-5:00 pm 

  • Wednesday from 11:00 am-6:30/8:30 pm 

  • Thursday from 11:00 am-5:00 pm 

Duties include:

80% of the time, care will be for the one-year-old. Duties include preparing basic meals and snacks for home and school. Doing the children’s dishes and wiping the table down after eating. Doing the children’s laundry. Tidying up and vacuuming children’s areas. Occasional feeding of the dog if parents are not home. 

Ideal nanny:

The ideal nanny for this family is responsible, diligent, flexible, and warm. Looking for an experienced professional who is self-directed and will take initiative. Nanny is required to be vaccinated for Covid-19 by the time the baby arrives in April. 

About the children:

This 3-year-old is creative, inquisitive, high energy, particular, and loving. He enjoys reading and running around. He does gymnastics after school. This 1-year-old is sweet, curious, flexible, happy, and funny. She loves music and animals and also does gymnastics. Both children are in preschool. They are both good eaters and get along all of the time. Baby #3 is due in April of 2023. 

About the parents:

These parents are loving, warm, conscientious, fun, and hardworking. They clearly explain consequences to the children and focus on positive reinforcement, ignoring unwanted behaviors, and giving occasional time outs.  


Salary plus paid vacation days off, paid holidays off, paid sick days off, and paid personal days off.  Additional pay if caring for all three children. 

Position Code: C917RH

After-school Nanny Position in Warren, NJ 

Position: Part-time, live-out

Location: Warren, NJ

Ages: 9 years old and 6 years old

Start date: ASAP 

Pets in home: None

Car requirement: Nanny vehicle required

Covid-19 requirement: Vaccine required

Schedule: Monday to Friday from 3:00 pm until 7:00 pm

Compensation: $20-$30 per hour

Signing bonus: Offered!

Position Code: C914WN


More details:

Family in Warren, NJ is seeking a nanny Monday to Friday for their 9-year-old and 6-year-old. The typical schedule is from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm. 


Duties include:

Doing the children’s laundry, grocery shopping, making children’s appointments, basic tidying after children. Teaching children household chores (e.g. folding clothes). Preparing basic snacks and meals for children only. Driving the children to and from after-school activities.


Ideal nanny:

This family’s ideal nanny is energetic, caring, kind, compassionate, and has had prior experience with special needs (e.g. ADHD). They’re also in need of a nanny who is responsible and very reliable, as both parents have demanding jobs. One or both parents may occasionally need to attend work events and/or travel. We strongly prefer a nanny who enjoys and is willing to read to the boys.


About the children:

This 9-year-old is sweet, loving, sensitive, energetic, and musical. He is learning to play percussion instruments (drums and xylophone). He enjoys martial arts and is currently learning grappling and jiu jitsu. He also loves swimming and takes lessons. He is good at soccer and would like to play on a team. He spends his free time riding his scooter and reading the Harry Potter book series. He has ADHD.

This 6-year-old is bright, athletic, witty, loving, and playful. He loves and is very good at basketball. Like his brother, he enjoys and takes classes for  martial arts and swimming. He really enjoys the Harry Potter book series. 

They usually get along.


About the parents: 

Mom and dad are stern but loving. They teach the children right from wrong and take the time to explain things clearly to them. They expect them to be kind and respectful to others. 



Salary plus paid vacation days off, paid holidays off, paid sick days off, and paid personal days off. 


Position Code: C914WN

Part-time Nanny Position in Morristown, NJ

Position: Part-time, live-out 

Location: Morristown, NJ 

Ages:  6 years old and 4 years old

Start:  Flexible/ASAP

Pets in home:  1 dog

Car requirements: Family vehicle available

Covid-19 requirements:  Vaccination and booster required 

(unless exempt for medical reasons)

Position Code: C982MT

Schedule: Monday to Friday from 2:00/3:00 pm until 8:00 pm

Compensation: High pay, based on fit


More details:

Morristown family is seeking a part-time, live-out nanny for their 6 year-old and 4-year-old children. The typical schedule will be Monday to Friday from 2:00/3:00 pm until 8:00 pm.  


Duties include:

Tidying up after the children, vacuuming, and doing their laundry. Preparing meals. Assisting with homework. Running children related errands. Maintaining the children's calendars including coordinating and registering children for activities. Preparing kids for bed and packing bookbags for the next day. No pet care except letting dog out into backyard and back in is required. Driving is a requirement for this position, and family vehicle will be provided. 


Ideal nanny:

The ideal nanny is loving and has a gentle manner with children. They have experience in education and are very hands-on and engaging. They enjoy leading activities such as playing outside, cooking, going on picnics, and playing sports. They are detail oriented, conscientious, have strong communication skills, and can anticipate the needs of children.

About the family:

This active 6-year-old girl loves games and participates in sports, swimming, and Kumon. She is an energetic and expressive big sister to her 4-year-old brother. He also enjoys sports and Kumon. He is affectionate and active and loves to be with his sister. The children typically get along.

Both parents have very demanding jobs. Mom is organized and structured, considerate, thoughtful, and a music lover (household thing).  Dad is quieter and less outgoing, thoughtful, and nice. They use time out and/or removal of object in dispute when needed. 


Salary plus paid vacation days off, paid holidays off, paid sick days off, and paid personal days off.

Part-time Nanny Job in Madison, NJ

Position:  Part-time, live-out

Location: Madison, NJ

Ages: 4 years old, 2.5 years old, 4 month old

Start date: Flexible/ March 2023

Pets in home: None

Car requirement: None

Covid-19 requirement: Vaccination required

Schedule:  Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm  

Compensation:  $30 to $33 an hour

Position Code: C935MN


More details:

Family in Madison, NJ is looking for a part-time caregiver for their 4-year-old, 2.5-year-old, and 4-month-old. Nanny will not be responsible for all three children at once. Typical schedule is Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm.


Duties include:

Caring mostly for the two toddlers while Mom tends to the infant. Making lunch or easy dinners, doing the children’s laundry, and basic tidying up after the children.


Ideal nanny:

This family’s ideal nanny is caring, warm, engaging, very safety-conscious, structured, and open. They are very communicative and willing to “tag team” with these parents and follow their lead. Nanny must have a clean driving record and be fully immunized for Tdap and COVID-19 (including booster) as well as the flu. Experience with toddlers and newborns is preferred. Willingness to assist at the local pool and do occasional weekend hours is a plus. Experience with reactive airway disease /asthma is ideal but not required.


About the children:

This 4-year-old is caring, smart, energetic, strong-willed, and curious. She has a great imagination.  She has reactive airway disease/ asthma. From 8:30 am to 1:30 pm she will be in school.  This 2.5-year-old is sweet, smart, curious, active, and emotional. She does not go to school. This 4-month-old is very happy and has an easy going temperament.  She’s a great sleeper and eater. Out of the 3 children she’s the easiest.    


About the parents:

These parents are friendly, approachable, hands-on, particular, and very open to partnering with a nanny as they transition to life with school schedules and a newborn. They use warnings followed by a consequence, sometimes a time out, to encourage positive behavior. Both parents are vaccinated for Covid-19. Mom is a stay-at-home mother.



Salary plus paid vacation days off, paid holidays off, paid sick days off, and paid personal days off.


Position Code: C935MN

Part-time Short Hills Nanny Job


Position:  Part-time, live-out

Location:  Short Hills, NJ

Ages:  3 years old, 17 months old, and newborn

Start date: Very flexible 

Pets in home: 1 dog

Car requirement: Family vehicle provided

Covid-19 requirement:  None 

Schedule: Flexible (up to 30 hours) 

Compensation: Based on experience and fit

Position Code:C922SH


More details:

Family in Short Hills is seeking a part-time nanny for their 2 children who are 3 years old and 17 months old. Family is expecting another baby in June 2023.  The typical schedule is Monday to Friday from 8:00 am until 1:00 pm. Ability to work additional hours (up to 30) is preferred, but family is flexible with this. Start date can be immediate or delayed based on Nanny’s preference. 


Duties include:

Helping out with the family’s laundry. Keeping the kitchen and children’s areas tidy (picking up and cleaning toys, vacuuming). Cooking for the family occasionally is preferred but not required. No pet care for the dog is required.


Ideal nanny:

Ideal nanny for this family is reliable, punctual, honest, and trustworthy. They are patient and caring with the children. Looking for someone who will develop enough of a relationship with the children that they can be gentle but firm when it comes to  disciplining them.  Ideal caregiver will work as a team with this stay-at-home mother. Willingness to work extra hours (up to 30) is preferred but not required. 


About the children:

This 3-year-old is curious, smart, playful, funny, and sweet. He takes swimming lessons and plays soccer. He loves outdoor play, cars/trucks, and music. He will be in school 5 days a week. This 22-month-old is loving, independent, curious, tough, and sweet. She will be in school 3 days a week. The children get along very well and are looking forward to the arrival of Baby #3 in June.


About the parents:

These parents have a clean, organized household but also like to have fun and relax. Mom is honest, caring, thoughtful, motivated, and open to collaborating  with the nanny. Dad is a hard working, upbeat joker.  They follow the Gentle Parenting discipline style, which includes consequences such as occasional time-outs. The family has one dog (a beagle), but no pet care is required. Both are vaccinated for Covid-19.   


Salary plus paid vacation days off, paid holidays off, paid sick days off, and paid personal days off.


Position Code: C922SH

Full-time Nanny Position in Fanwood, NJ


Position:  Full-time, live-out

Location:  Fanwood, NJ

Age: 12 months old 

Start date: January

Pets in home: 1 dog 

Car requirement: Driving preferred but not required 

Covid-19 requirement:  Vaccination required

Schedule: Monday to Friday from 9:30 am until 5:30 pm

Compensation:  $20-$23+ per hour  

Position Code: C912FW


More details: 

A family in Fanwood, NJ is seeking a full-time nanny for their 1-year-old child. Typical hours are Monday to Friday from 9:30 am until 5:30 pm. 


Duties include:

Following the baby’s established feeding and nap schedule. Feeding him bottles as well as solids. Washing any bottles or dishes used. Changing his diapers and putting him down for naps. Taking him on walks around the neighborhood. Engaging him in age-appropriate activities. Washing and folding the baby’s clothes during his naps. Tidying up after the child. 


Ideal nanny: 

This family’s ideal nanny is positive and has an upbeat attitude. They have a couple of years’ experience caring for babies. Looking for someone who will take initiative and be self-sufficient and independent. (Mom works from home but prefers to limit contact to questions /emergencies.) 


About the child: 

This 1-year-old is happy, calm, adaptable, alert, and curious. He enjoys stroller walks around the neighborhood, playing with bubbles, using his play gym, and being read and sung to. 


About the family:

These parents are caring, laid-back, and friendly. Mom is also genuine, empathetic, organized, and creative. Dad is also hands-off, empathetic, and understanding. Both are very “familiar” and hope to find a nanny who will feel like family. These parents are vaccinated for Covid-19. They have one friendly, hypoallergenic dog who will not require care. Parents have a screen-free policy in the home.



Salary plus paid vacation days off, paid holidays off, paid sick days off, and paid personal days off.


Position Code: C912FW

Part-time Nanny Job in Short Hills, NJ


Position: Part-time, live-out
Location: Short Hills, NJ
Age:  17 months old
Start date: January 2023
Pets in home: 2 cats
Car requirement: Family vehicle provided
Schedule: Monday to Friday from 2:00/3:30 pm until 6:00/6:30 pm
Compensation: $20-$30 per hour
Position Code:  C913SH


More details:

Family in Short Hills is seeking a part-time nanny for their 17 month old. Typical schedule is Monday to Friday with flexibility in time. Nanny has the option of starting  at 2:00 pm to do household chores or at 3:30 pm for pick-up from daycare.

Duties include:

Pick-ups from daycare, family’s laundry, vacuuming, tidying after toddler, preparing simple snacks (milk, fruit, etc.), optional cooking for toddler only, basic caretaking and play (ideally outdoors). No pet care is needed.


Ideal nanny:

This family’s ideal nanny is experienced in taking care of a young toddler. They are responsible, loving, patient, and passionate about what they do.


About the family:

This 17 month old girl is generous, sensitive, and sweet. Her favorite activities are playing at the park and reading at the library. She loves music.

Both parents work full time. They are easy going and quiet. Grandma temporarily lives with family. She speaks limited English but is easy going as well.  Entire household is vaccinated.



Salary plus paid vacation days off, paid holidays off, paid sick days off, and paid personal days off.


Position Code: C913SH


Part-time Nanny Position in Madison, NJ

Part-time Nanny Position in Madison  


Position:  Part-time, live-out

Location:  Madison, NJ

Age: 18 months old 

Start date:  ASAP

Pets in home: None

Car requirement: Family vehicle provided

Covid-19 requirement:  Vaccination required

Schedule:  See below

Compensation:  $24-$30+ per hour

Position Code: C902MN


More details:

Family in Madison, NJ is seeking a nanny or manny 3 days a week for their 18-month-old child. Work  days will be Wednesday, Friday, and Monday OR Tuesday (nanny’s choice). Hours are either 9:00 am to 5:00 pm OR 10:00 am to 6:00 pm (again, nanny’s choice). 


Duties include:

Driving the child to the library, music class, playgroups, etc. using the family’s vehicle. Preparing basic snacks and heating up meals for the child. Ordering allergy-safe meals if none have been prepared. Vacuuming up anything spilled during time of care.  Basic tidying up after the child. A plus, but not required, is doing the child’s laundry. 


Ideal nanny:

Ideal nanny for this family is honest, transparent, trustworthy, and an excellent communicator. Looking for someone attentive and alert who will be vigilant about avoiding sesame, as the child is severely allergic. Ideal nanny will engage the child in Montessori-style play and learning (training will be provided). They will encourage him to be confident and to safely explore his environment. Caregiver must be vaccinated and boosted for Covid-19. A plus, but not required, is the ability to speak Spanish. 


About the child:

This toddler is affectionate, playful, curious, determined, happy, and independent. He loves water play, music and gym class, playgroups, playgrounds, library classes, and playing “chef”. He is affectionate and loves being held, sitting on laps, and hugging. He is curious and playful and generally calms quickly after getting upset. He is talkative and loves positive reinforcement. He has a severe sesame allergy and a milder allergy to other nuts. 


About the parents:

These parents are generally easygoing. They understand that life can get crazy sometimes and do their best to be patient and respectful of others. They follow the principles of Gentle Parenting, which include responding compassionately and modeling kindness at all times. All family members are vaccinated for Covid-19, and Parents are boosted as well. 



Salary plus paid vacation days off, paid holidays off, paid sick days off, and paid personal days off. Daily meals, snacks, and drinks included. End of year bonus included.


Position Code: C902MN


Babysitter / Nanny Job in Summit, NJ

Position: Part-time, live-out

Location:  Summit, NJ 07901

Start date:  Flexible / December 

Ages: 5 years old, 7 years old

Pets in home: None

Car requirement:  Family vehicle provided

Covid-19 requirement: Vaccination required 

Schedule: 4-5 days/week from 2:00-5:30 pm

Compensation: Salary based on fit ($25-$ 30 per hour)

Signing Bonus: Offered 

Position Code: CT117SM


More details: 

Family in Summit is seeking a Nanny/Manny for their two sons, ages 5 and 7. Position is four to five days per week from 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm. Additional hours available but not required, based on parents' work schedule. These would be 1-2 full days from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm.


Duties include:

Picking the children up from school and transporting to and from playdates and activities. Preparing basic snacks or reheating snacks/meals. Keeping the kitchen neat. General tidying up after the children. 


Ideal nanny:

Ideal nanny/manny for this family is active, patient, and responsive to the boys. They will utilize Parents’ methods of responding to the children and their behaviors. Ability to provide occasional homework help a plus. Nanny/manny must be able to swim and drive. They must be current with vaccines for prevention purposes and must have first aid skills.


About the children:

This 5-year-old is a strong-willed, funny, curious, emotional, and sweet little guy.  He loves art, music, writing,  puzzles, and helping his mom cook. He can be a bit shy at first but then is a chatterbox! Please be aware that he is prone to tantrums and Parents are working with a behavioral therapist. Child responds very well to a calm demeanor and frequent positive reinforcement. 


This 7-year-old is active, kind, silly, sensitive, social, and impressionable. He enjoys science and is a strong reader. He typically plays one afterschool sport per season. He loves to play outdoors with friends and his brother and would have a playdate every day if he could! He occasionally needs encouragement to remain focused. The children get along most of the time. 


About the parents:

These parents are thoughtful, organized, active, and social. In addition, Mom is proactive, nurturing, and responsive, and Dad is easygoing and accommodating. They are currently adjusting to new work hours. Both are Covid-19 vaccinated and are planning to have the children vaccinated. Parents use simple commands, positive reinforcement, and occasional time-outs to encourage desirable behavior and have seen good results. 


Position Code: CT117SM

Part-time Nanny Job in Livingston, NJ

Position:  Part-time, live-out

Location: Livingston, NJ 

Age:  7 months old 

Start date: ASAP 

Pets in home: 1 cat

Car requirement:  Flexible 

Covid-19 requirement: Vaccine required

Schedule: Flexible (based on nanny)

Compensation: $24+ per hour 

Position Code: CT724LV

More details: 

Family in Livingston with a sweet 7-month-old child is looking for 3 days of care per week for (ideally) 6 hours per day.  They are extremely flexible with which days and hours are worked. Nanny can basically make her own schedule of 20-30 hours per week, depending on Nanny's interest and income needs. 


Duties / Ideal nanny:

Taking care of the baby and all of his needs is the primary duty, above all else. 


This family is looking for a caregiver who is warm, polite, punctual, dependable, and experienced with infants. Ideal nanny has a genuine love of babies and is comfortable with a breastfeeding parent and baby-led weaning. They are proactive with reading, talking, playing, and planning activities for the baby.  


About the family: 

This 7-month-old is gentle, sweet, communicative, happy, and curious. These parents are warm, thoughtful, and collaborative. The family has one sweet senior cat. 



Salary plus paid vacation days off, paid holidays off, paid sick days off, and paid personal days off.


Position Code: CT724LV


Qualified candidates should apply today!

Nanny Position in Summit, NJ ; C813SM


Position:  Live-out, full-time or part-time

Location: Summit, NJ 

Ages: 4, 8, and 10 years old     

Start date:  ASAP

Pets in home: None

Car requirement: To be determined

Covid-19 requirement: Vaccination is preferred 

Schedule: Monday to Friday from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Or 11 am to 7 pm 

Compensation: $25+ per hour 

Position Code: C813SM


More details: 

Summit Family is looking for a nanny for their three children, ages 4, 8, and 10 years old. Typical hours are Monday through Friday from 1:00 pm until 7:00 pm. Family is willing to offer an earlier start based on Nanny’s preference. 


Duties include: 

Assisting with transporting children to classes, playdates, and other activities. Arranging playdates. Helping with homework. Engaging the children in conversation, reading, games, and outdoor activities. Preparing healthy snacks and meals for the children and cleaning up afterwards.  Doing the children’s laundry and tidying up their areas. Helping to track items that need to be purchased. Assisting with seasonal rotation of childrens' clothes. Receiving deliveries to the home. Assisting with basic errands. Helping to prepare meals for the family is preferred, but not required.


Ideal nanny:

The ideal nanny for this family has solid childcare experience and is patient, empathetic, caring, positive, and fun-loving. They will be dedicated to the children’s welfare and overall development. They have sound judgment. Looking for a multi-tasker who is dependable, punctual, and respectful of schedules. Ideal nanny has strong verbal and written communication skills and will bring any concerns to parents. Looking for a caregiver who will encourage and support the children’s socialization.  


About the parents: 

These parents are loving, supportive, and engaged. Mom (stays home and) is looking for a helping hand in the afternoons. These parents approach discipline by discussing the behavior with the child first and applying a consequence if the behavior persists. Both parents and the two older children are vaccinated/boosted for Covid-19.


About the children:

This 10-year-old is intellectually curious, social, caring, and creative. His favorite subjects are science and reading but he is challenged by math. His after-school activities include hockey and tennis. He loves technology, anime, books, and trading card games.


This 8-year-old is empathetic, sensitive, loving, artistic, and studious. Her favorite school subjects are art and reading, but she doesn't love spelling! After school, she enjoys tennis, art class, and acting class. She loves to play with her dolls and do art and cooking projects. 


This 4-year-old is vibrant, affectionate, curious, creative, and adventurous. Her favorite subject is art. She is working on handwriting. Her activities include dance, gymnastics, and tennis. She loves art projects and creative play. All three children typically get along.



Salary plus paid vacation days, paid sick days, paid personal days, and paid holidays. Nanny will be reimbursed for gas if a personal vehicle is used.


Position Code: C813SM

Morning Nanny Job in Westfield, NJ


Position: Part-time, live-out 

Location: Westfield, NJ 

Start date: ASAP 

Age: 7 years old 

Pets in home: 1 small dog 

Car requirements: Nanny vehicle required 

Covid-19 requirement: Vaccination required 

Schedule: Wednesday and Friday from 6:30 am-9:00 am

Compensation: $25 to $30 per hour 

Position Code: C815WF

To apply:  Please visit us at and click on “For Job Seekers” or click on the following link:

More details: 

Family in Westfield is seeking a morning nanny for their happy 7-year-old child.  The schedule is Wednesday and Friday from 6:30 am until 9:00 am. 


Duties include: 

Basic tidying up after the child. Supporting her as she gets ready in the mornings. Helping the child with daily chores and making school lunches. Providing transportation to school. Preparing her breakfast. 


Ideal nanny: 

Ideal nanny is self-sufficient, organized, kind, and engaged. This family’s ideal nanny is patient and does not raise their voice.   


About the family:

This single mother is caring, hardworking, respectful, and understanding. There is one small dog in the home; however, a separate dog walker will be hired.  This 7-year-old is funny, happy, and curious. She is very artistic. Some of her favorite activities include drawing and crafts. She also loves sports and plays softball after school. 



Salary/guaranteed hours plus paid vacation days off, paid holidays off, paid sick days off, and paid personal days off. 


Position Code: C815WF


To apply: 

Please visit us at and click on “For Job Seekers”, or click on the following link:


Applicants will be subject to various background screens and must be able to provide valid work and childcare references.


Qualified candidates should apply today!

Part-time Nanny Position in Summit, NJ

Position: Part-time, live out

Location: Summit, NJ 

Start date: ASAP 

Ages:  6 years old + teens

Pets in home:  None

Car requirements:  Family vehicle provided

Schedule:  Monday to Friday from 7:30 am-9:00 am, 2:00 pm-6:30 pm

Compensation: $25 to $28 per hour 

Position Code: C798SM


More details:

Family in Summit, NJ is seeking a nanny primarily for their sweet 6-year-old son. There are 2 older boys in the house, ages 14 and 16 years old, who will need occasional transportation. Typical hours are Monday to Friday from 7:30 am to 9:00 am and again from 2:00 pm to 6:30 pm.  The family is willing to hire separate nannies for the morning and afternoon shifts. 

Duties include:

Care will primarily be for the family’s sweet, fun-loving 6-year-old boy. Transporting the 6-year-old to and from school, activities, and playdates. Occasionally driving older boys to some afterschool activities. Tidying up after the children. Preparing snacks/meals for the children.


Ideal nanny:

The ideal nanny for this family is fun-loving, creative, punctual, reliable, respectful, and proactive. Looking for a punctual, reliable caregiver who is also an excellent driver.  


About the children:

This 6-year-old is funny, sweet, creative, smart, and shy. He enjoys pretend play, Legos, reading, cars and trucks, and playing outdoors. His afterschool activities change with the seasons and include swimming, playing hockey, and visiting the library.This 14-year-old is funny, smart, quiet, active, and sweet. He enjoys playing hockey after school. This 16-year-old is smart, responsible, reliable, respectful, and sweet. He also plays  hockey and will be driving himself soon! The children get along all the time.


About the parents: 

These parents are easygoing, family-oriented, hard working, and respectful of individuals who work for us. They value and focus on structure, routine, and respectful communication in the home.  



Salary plus paid vacation days off, paid sick days off, paid holidays off, and paid personal days off. 

Position Code: C798SM

Part-time Nanny Job in Westfield, NJ

Position: Part-time, live-out 

Location: Westfield, NJ 

Start date: ASAP 

Age: 7 years old 

Pets in home: 1 small dog 

Car requirements: Nanny vehicle required 

Covid-19 requirement: Vaccination required 

Schedule: See below 

Compensation: $25 to $30 per hour 

Position Code: C851WF

More details: 

Family in Westfield is seeking a dedicated and supportive nanny for their happy 7-year-old child.   The family is willing to hire a separate morning and afternoon caregiver, but is willing to guarantee 20 hours of pay for 16 hours of work if Nanny is able to do all shifts. 


Morning schedule is as follows: 

  • Wednesday from 6:30 am to 9:00 am

  • Friday from 6:30 am to 9:00 am 


Afterschool schedule is as follows: 

  • Monday from 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm

  • Thursday from  4:30 pm to 8:30 pm

  • Friday from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm


Duties include: 

Basic tidying up after the child. Supporting her as she gets ready in the mornings. Helping the child with daily chores and making school lunches. Providing transportation to and from school and activities. Preparing breakfast and some dinners. Doing light laundry and shopping for the child only. 


Ideal nanny: 

Ideal nanny is self-sufficient, organized, kind, and engaged.  Looking for a caregiver who can assist the child in learning new tasks without doing the work for her. This family’s ideal nanny is patient and does not raise their voice. A college education is preferred but not required. 


About the family:

This 7-year-old is funny, happy, and curious. She is very artistic. Some of her favorite activities include drawing and crafts. She also loves sports and plays softball after school. 


This single mother is caring, hardworking, respectful, and understanding. There is one small dog in the home; however, a separate dog walker will be hired.



Salary plus paid vacation days off, paid holidays off, paid sick days off, and paid personal days off. Pay for 20 hours per week, although the current schedule is only for 17-18 hours of work. 



Position Code: C851WF

Part- Time Nanny Job in West Orange, NJ

Position: Live-out, part-time

Location: West Orange, NJ 

Ages: 6 years old and 9 years old

Start date: ASAP

Pets in home: 2 cats

Car requirement: Nanny vehicle required 

Covid-19 requirement: Vaccination required 

Schedule: Tuesday through Friday from 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm 

Compensation: $27+ per hour 

Position Code: C811WG


More details:

Family in West Orange is looking for a long-term, part-time nanny for their 2 children, ages 6 and 9 years old.  Typical schedule is Tuesday through Friday from 3:30 pm until 6:30 pm, but the family is willing to guarantee 15 hours per week for the right fit, either by adding Monday to the schedule or by moving the end time to 7:30 pm.  

Duties include:

Duties will include basic meal preparation, tidying up after the children, doing the children’s laundry, and packing their school bags and snacks for the following day. No pet care is required. 


Ideal candidate:

The ideal nanny for this family is energetic, sweet, creative, and loves to be outdoors. 

About the family: 

This 9-year-old’s favorite subjects are math and science. She also enjoys arts and crafts. She is curious, smart, sensitive, funny, and sassy. This 6-year-old is sweet, quiet, musical, curious, and just lovely!  Mom is caring, no nonsense, musical, reasonable, and curious. Dad is also caring and no nonsense but also thoughtful, funny, and organized. There are 2 cats in the home, but no pet care is required.

Benefits include:

Salary for a guaranteed number of hours each week plus paid holidays off, paid vacation days off, paid personal days off, and paid sick days off.


Position Code: C811WG

Nanny Needed in Maplewood, NJ for 35 hours a week ; C720MW

Position: Full-time, live-out

Location:  Maplewood, NJ

Age:  17 months old

Start date: ASAP

Pets in home: None

Car requirement: Vehicle required

Covid-19 requirement: Vaccination required 

Schedule: Monday to Friday for 35 hours 

Compensation: $20 to $22 per hour plus signing bonus

Position Code: C720MW


More details: 

Maplewood family with a 17-month-old child is seeking a full-time caregiver. Typical hours are Mondays and Fridays from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm and Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 10:00 am - 4:15 pm.  


Duties include:

Duties include preparing meals and snacks for the child and tidying up after him. 

Coming up with ways to engage the child, such as reading to him, playing with him, taking him on walks, taking him to the park, etc.    


Ideal nanny:

Looking for a nanny who is confident, fun, enthusiastic, friendly, and experienced with toddlers.  Ideal nanny has strong communication and organizational skills and can keep up with an energetic little boy. Additional qualities are patience, warmth, attentiveness, and honesty. Ideal caregiver is responsible and safe and will put these new parents’ minds at ease.  They must be vaccinated for COVID-19. Ideal caregiver has a car and is able to be paid on the books.


About the family:

This 17-month-old is smart, happy, energetic, and independent. He likes to explore his surroundings, go outside, play with his toys, and have conversations. He is vaccinated for Covid-19.


These parents are hands-on as much as possible. They believe in using positive reinforcement (praise,  rewards) to shape behavior. Both are Covid-19 vaccinated. 



Salary plus paid vacation days off, paid holidays off,  paid sick days off, and paid personal days off. Family is offering a signing bonus.


Position Code: C720MW