Full-time Nanny Position in Montclair, NJ

Full-time pay for part-time hours


Position: Full-time, live-out   

Location: Montclair, NJ  

Ages: 11 years old and 6 years old  

Start date: February 

Pets in home: 1 dog  

Car requirement: Vehicle required 

Covid-19 requirement: Vaccination preferred 

Schedule: See ‘More Details’ below  

Compensation: $20 to $30 an hour  

Position Code: E102MC


More details: 

A family in Montclair, NJ is looking for a full-time nanny for their two children, 11 years old and 6 years old. While the job will typically be part-time, Nanny will be paid a full-time salary and must remain available full-time in case of snow days, sick days, school vacations, etc. The typical schedule would be Monday through Friday from 3:30 pm until 7:00 pm.  When the children are off from school on weekdays, the schedule would be from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. Hours are likely to increase in September.  


Duties include: 

Creating fun and enriching activities for the children. Taking the children to the park and the playground. Basic cooking for the children, including heating up leftovers. Basic tidying up after the children. Putting used dishes in the dishwasher. Occasionally letting the dog out into the backyard. 


Ideal nanny: 

The ideal nanny for this family is creative and a good communicator who is willing to engage the children. They must be confident in taking charge and have a flexible schedule. College education is preferred.


About the children: 

This 11-year-old is funny, smart, creative, excitable, and silly. She loves to write, draw, and she is a voracious reader. She loves English and isn’t a fan of math. After school, she goes to drama, film, and drawing classes. The family is working on helping her self-regulate her screen time. 


This 6-year-old is goofy, energetic, passionate, empathetic, and loving. She goes to different activities after school, including dance, acting class, gymnastics, and cheerleading. She is still figuring out what she likes best. She loves imaginative play, coloring, and arts and crafts. She is fun, with big feelings, and she wants to be friends with everyone. 


Family is expecting a child in April 2024, so pay rate will increase, although Nanny will never be responsible for all three children at once.


About the parents: 

These parents are fun and creative. Mom is also silly, smart, and thoughtful. Dad describes himself as funny, gentle, hungry, and tired! They enjoy the arts, including music, comedy, theater, and film. These parents believe that kids are people too, with valid emotions, but adults should still take charge. They like to explain the reason for their rules, when possible, and to encourage the children to clean up their own messes. This is a screen-friendly household, but they make sure to implement breaks.   



Over 80% of the year, Nanny will be paid a full-time salary (based on 30 hours per week) for mainly part-time hours. Paid vacation days off, paid holidays off, paid sick days off, and paid personal days off. The family also offers a paid week off between Christmas and New Year’s. 


Position Code: E102MC